First, I have found the specific TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification course that will open the doors to work in Portugal. The course is Oxford Seminars and is offered at the University of Virginia, which is about one hour from our home. It is taught over three weekends, starting this coming September 11. The cost of this course is more than what I listed in a previous post, $1095. This price includes all course materials, TEFL teaching resources, full access to the English Language Schools directory, and six months free teacher placement service. We are praying that the Lord will provide the funds to take this course in the form of sponsors who would like to invest in this ministry with a one time gift. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a sponsor? If so, please send a check to the BILD International address (located in the April 3 post), and please include "Jeff Darling, TEFL Certification" in the memo line of your check.
Second, BILD International is holding their annual summit in Ames, Iowa, November 1-5. The purpose of this summit is to learn the curriculum and discipleship program used to train up leaders within the local church. I will also have the opportunity to interact with church leaders from all over the world who are already implementing this curriculum in their churches. Pastor Antonio wants me to attend this summit as a part of my preparation in joining his church. All I need to do is purchase the plane ticket to Iowa, as BILD takes care of all the rest. The cost of a ticket to Des Moines, Iowa is between $300-$350 round trip. Would you consider sponsoring me for this trip? Please include "Jeff Darling, plane ticket" in the memo line of your check.
We have set a target date to be in Portugal: August/September 2011. We can't wait to see how the Lord will accomplish his plan for us, as it is truly only Him who will accomplish these things. Thank you so much for joining with us!
A date?? That is big time! It is all coming together God is going to to amazing things with your family!!